1960s Playlist

1960s Show 11:00-12:00 Playlist 22-04-18

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Best Of Music Radio (Mauritius): 1960s Daily Show Playlist from 2022-04-18

Broadcast Time Zones

The 1960s show is broadcast once per day, 7/7, 365 as per time zones below:

1960s Show Every Day

Mauritius +4GMT South Africa +2GMT Western Europe/Winter Western Europe/Summer UK/Winter UK Summer
11:00 to 12:00 09:00 to 10:00 08:00 to 09:00 09:00 to 10:00 07:00 to 08:00 08:00 to 09:00

Our Audience

The above times’ zones have been created for the majority of our audience who speak or understand  English. The majority of our listeners are from South Africa, The United Kingdom, and then Western Europe, and recently Eastern Europe, and ironically in the last position, Mauritius never exceeded more than 10 listeners for this show. We presume those who would be apt to listen to our show in Mauritius are now 65 years of age and more and they are not PC or Smart Phone savvy.

Description for the playlist’s 1st track listing

Let’s take the song title track no. 2672, I am the Walrus by The Beatles as an example.  The 1st track listing includes the beats per minute (BPM), and the song’s Music Key (Key) followed by a string of numbers i.e. “Trk No.2672-04:36” which are added to the title.

Beatles - I am the Walrus
2672 – Beatles – I am the Walrus

The meaning of additional numbers i.e. “Trk No.267204:36“:
04:30 = The duration of the song in minutes and seconds
2672 = The song’s track number that you may refer to when making i.e. a song dedication (coming soon). You would just type our reference number i.e. 2672.

Broadcast Playlist from 2022-04-18

Title ARTIST Album Time started Time ended Duration hh:mm:ss
I Am the Walrus (BPM: 88.11; Key: Bm) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.267204:36) THE BEATLES Best Of Music: 60s 11:00 11:04 00:04:51
Time Has Come Today (BPM: 126.28; Key: A) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2733-11:02) THE CHAMBERS BROTHERS Best Of Music: 60s 11:04 11:16 00:11:30
Every Christian Lion-Hearted Man Will Show You (BPM: 99.00; Key: A) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2660-03:38) BEE GEES Best Of Music: 60s 11:16 11:19 00:03:38
Do Wah Diddy Diddy (BPM: 126.98; Key: B) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2619-02:23) MANFRED MANN Best Of Music: 60s 11:19 11:22 00:02:29
Reverberation (BPM: 131.18; Key: Am) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2713-02:44) 13TH FLOOR ELEVATORS, ERICKSON, HALL, SUTHERLAND Best Of Music: 60s 11:22 11:25 00:02:44
Help, I’m A Rock (BPM: 120.84; Key: Am) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2667-04:42) FRANK ZAPPA Best Of Music: 60s 11:25 11:29 00:04:43
Sittin’ On the Dock of The Bay (BPM: 103.41; Key: G) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2566-02:41) OTIS REDDING Best Of Music: 60s 11:29 11:32 00:02:40
Big Girls Don’t Cry (BPM: 130.64; Key: D) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2629-02:26) THE FOUR SEASONS Best Of Music: 60s 11:32 11:35 00:02:38
I Can Hear the Grass Grow (BPM: 141.86; Key: D) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2673-03:09) THE MOVE Best Of Music: 60s 11:35 11:38 00:03:10
The Beat Goes On (BPM: 125.50; Key: Am) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2560-03:30) SONNY & CHER Best Of Music: 60s 11:38 11:41 00:03:38
Paper Sun (BPM: 134.21; Key: Gm) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2705-03:33) TRAFFIC Best Of Music: 60s 11:41 11:45 00:03:57
Shifting Sands (BPM: 89.66; Key: A) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2720-03:55) THE WEST COAST POP ART EXPERIMENTAL BAND Best Of Music: 60s 11:45 11:49 00:03:55
Revolution (BPM: 118.64; Key: E) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2714-03:50) TOMORROW Best Of Music: 60s 11:49 11:53 00:03:56
Can’t Help Falling in Love (BPM: 105.76; Key:  Gbm) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2625-02:59) ELVIS PRESLEY WITH THE JORDANAIRES Best Of Music: 60s 11:53 11:56 00:02:58
Dancing In the Street (BPM: 127.70; Key: E) Best of Music: 60s (Trk No.2622-02:39) MARTHA & THE VANDELLAS Best Of Music: 60s 11:56 11:59 00:02:39
Ride My Seesaw (BPM: 156.79; Key: C) Best of Music: The Moody Blues (Trk No.4914-03:43) THE MOODY BLUES Best Of Music: 60s 11:59 12 00:42

YouTube Playlist: Best Of Music Radio – Mauritius: 1960s Playlist – 2022-04-18

We have added the 16 above songs to our Best Of Music Radio – Mauritius: 1960s Playlist – 2022-04-18.

Questions, Comments, or Song Dedication?

Question or Comments

If you have any questions or would like to make any comments about the show or songs listed here, see the comment section at the bottom of this page.

Song Dedication

You may also leave a song dedication with the name of the person you wish to dedicate the song to and we’ll schedule the broadcast and respond to your comment below. We are proactive and will respond so comment now.

How to dedicate a song

There 2 ways to proceed;

  1. Provide the song’s title and the artist’s name; or
  2. Use our search module, and type the song’s title and the artist’s name. Once you have the results, click on the respective post and provide the track/reference no. of the song.

We have a library of ca. 300,000 songs and growing each month. These are not uploaded onto our radio’s server. We upload and remove the previous month’s songs to add new ones that are programmed for the following month. At any given time, we’ll only have ca. 18,000 songs on our radio’s server.

Vote and buy songs


We have selected the 16 songs permitting our audience to vote up or down any, or all the 16 songs only once. To vote the songs, go to our 1960s Playlist 22-04-18 Vote Songs Now.

To buy any of the CDs or other formats go to our 1960s Playlist 22-04-18 Buy Songs Now.



Written by: Best Of Music Radio (Admin)

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