
Strawberry Fields: What you didn’t know about John Lennon

today2022-11-11 11

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John lived with his aunt and uncle in Woolton, England. As a small child, he was all but abandoned by his parents. He loved to explore their nearby orphanage’s garden, which was known as Strawberry Fields. The garden was a “secret garden” without any landscape features but a large plot. Although it was well-kept and controlled for children, it was wild and easy to hide within. John could hide therein and talk like a child, and where he could further build his imagination away from adult supervision. In Barry Miles’ book Stated by Those Who Watch With Care, McCartney recalls “how it was a secret garden”. John’s memory of it [was]… There was a wall you could bunk over, and it was easy to hide in the garden.

Written by: Best Of Music Radio (Admin)

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